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• Programs •

We provide a safe, nurturing environment for your baby to thrive! When caring for your infant, we follow your lead. Your baby will follow an individualized schedule, set by you. This provides your baby with the comfort that comes from consistency. Infants are innately curious about the world around them. A rich sensory environment is provided, filled with different sights, sounds textures and sensations to enable infants to explore the world around them.

Toddlers love to explore with limitless energy! Daily routines (mealtimes, diapering, etc.) and experiences that respond to children’s strengths, interests and needs are essential to the development and learning of children birth to age three. While toddlers are learning about themselves, and other people, they are also learning how to communicate. We provide activities an​d materials that will help them figure out who they are and what they can accomplish. Our toddler classrooms offer opportunities for learning through active, stimulating play, music, movement and developmentally appropriate materials, while also providing quiet play experiences such as reading a book or painting a picture.


Young Toddlers (18 months-2 1/2 year olds)



Older Toddlers

 (2 years 6 months- 3 years old)



Preschool (3 years- 5 years old)

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Preschool children are full of an enthusiasm for life and a desire for learning! We provide a warm environment where children can develop self-esteem and social skills. Our Educators set the stage for children’s success by providing developmentally appropriate and engaging activities throughout the learning environment. With distinct learning centers such as dramatic play, blocks, science, math and manipulatives, children are able to explore a vast array of materials that assist and enhance learning and development. We provide a highly stimulating learning environment. Our Educators implement a curriculum inundated with a​ctivities for writing and reading readiness, fostering independence and a sense of community in the children we serve. Our program offers four to five year olds the opportunity to prepare and develop the skills needed to succeed in Kindergarten.


 Infants (6 weeks- 12 months)


Our older toddlers also love to explore with limitless energy!  This group is gaining more independence and potty training is taking place at this age.  This group is also catered to the child's strengths, interests and needs are essential to the development and learning of children birth to age three. They are encouraged to communicate using their words for their needs and wants.  We provide activities an​d materials that will help them figure out who they are and what they can accomplish. Our toddler classrooms offer opportunities for learning through active, stimulating play, music, movement and developmentally appropriate materials, while also providing quiet play experiences such as reading a book or painting a picture.

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